litter K 9.04.2019
On the 9th of April 2019 Dudoland has welcomed aboard another litter of our snow-white IC Jabulani Jakarta (previous litters: C, E, H – go to “our litters” section).
This time we have a snow-white girl and a boy. Kittens got premium fur from their mummy and can boast of having snub noses and high foreheads and wonderful profile lines – just as we in Dudoland love the most. CH Fabiano Dudoland * PL from our cattery is proud to be the father – so we are counting on broad heads and good body shapes of our little treasures 😉 🙂
- KIM w64 blue-eyed white female kitten – RESERVED
- KISS w64 green-eyed white male kitten – RESERVED
You are welcome to see our kitten photos and visit our FB profile: DUDOLAND