Natasza Calvados*PL is new INTER CHAMPION FIFE : ) FIFe Cat Show in OSTRAVA 03.-04.10.2015 My NATASZA Calvados*PL is new INTERCHAMPION  and my snow white JAKARTA JABULANI UA has take part in the next show. It was the third nomination for NOM BIS & EX1We are very...

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NATASZA Calvados*PL is new CHAMPION FIFE : )

NATASZA Calvados*PL is new CHAMPION FIFE : )

Międzynarodowa Wystawa Kotów Rasowych - Wrocław 5-6.09.2015 Kochani nadszedł czas , żeby pochwalić sie Naszymi osiągnięciami wystawowymi Prowadzenie hodowli nie sprowadza sie jedynie do pstrykania fotek, odbierania porodów i sporzadzania wpisów na FB . To przede...

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Jakarta Jabulani UA

Jakarta Jabulani UA

Jakarta Jabulani UA Sooner or later further breed development became necessary… I always used to dream about a little white Devon from a recognized foreign breed. That is why I made the final decision so rapidly!!! At the end of July Dudoland was joined by a new...

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Parting no1… AMY : )

Parting no1… AMY : )

Parting #1... AMY : ) When I first saw my three sweet girls I fell head over heels in love with them …. I kept thinking of how difficult parting will be…that is why I decided that my three beloved kittens from a limited edition Dudoland*Pl Spring-Summer 2015, will...

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We are growing fast!!

We are growing fast!!

We are growing fast !!! We are 10 weeks old now We frolic a lot, run and jump around the house for hours, interested in everything, creeping and crawling along! The milk bar – that is our lovely mommy Natasza – is already closed. Mommy is getting fit! Now, we spend a...

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Let’s we show off…

Let’s we show off…

Let's we show off... The 1st of April 2015 our adorable catling Natasza Calvados*Pl gave as three cute girls. There we have: Alice, Amelie and Amy   I protracted little bit with introducing my sweet girls but I  let them  to put on some flesh. That’s why I planned...

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