IC Jabulani Jakarta*ua
Born on: 05-03-2015
Sooner or later further breed development became necessary… I always used to dream about a little white Devon from a recognized foreign breed. That is why I made the final decision so rapidly!!! At the end of July Dudoland was joined by a new green-eyed girl kitten – JAKARTA . Her beautiful fur has ideal colour and type. Natasza and Dudi (Django) were not opposed and became friends with her quite quickly. I am really happy to see them all sympathizing with one another. Dudi has gone crazy about her… and Natasza seems to be reasonable and never shows signs of jealousy. We are keeping to the plan…
BAER tested cat (unaffected)
Test FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) – negative
Test FELV (Feline Leukaemia Virus) – negative
HCM (echocardiographic test) – normal/cerificate
PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) – disease exclusion based on regular kidney ultrasound diagnostic tests. PKD genetical test is not enough to exclude PKD in 100 %
CMS (Congenital myasthenic syndrome) / Laboklin – negative/certificate