gic Florentino’s Ringo Star*de
Born on: 02-05-2017
I had a dream… and it came true with FLORENTINO’S RINGO STAR – my true chocolate LOVE … bringing not only new „chocolate flavours” but also new opportunities. I can’t wait to see the results of this new companionship. I have got a plan in my head, if it proves successful I will get the wheels turning I have been wondering for quite a long time what breeding lines to choose, what to focus on, and what I really like about this breed, i.e. what features I would like to bring out…
I browsed all available sources, saw hundreds of photos and bloodlines, and it turned out that all roads lead me and my dreams to Germany – a country most beloved by me by reason of my profession. This journey took me to another well-established breeding… FLORENTINO. Now, I am a lucky owner of a beautiful chocolate male cat – RINGO STAR, courtesy of sweetheart CHRISTA.
I do not intend to write at length on his genotype in the strict sense as this breeding line needs no introduction for those who are familiar with it, however, I do want to emphasise their incredible personality – a lovely nature that everyone is entranced by. I wish you all get such a wonderful DEVON.
Test FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) – negative
Test FELV (Feline Leukaemia Virus) – negative
HCM (echocardiographic test) – normal/cerificate
PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) – disease exclusion based on regular kidney ultrasound diagnostic tests. PKD genetical test is not enough to exclude PKD in 100 %
CMS (Congenital myasthenic syndrome) / Laboklin – negative/certificate